The third day continued with jammed packed events starting with the GIPHY studio tours. It was like a big playground and we had the chance to created our own gifs.
GIPHY family portrait
Good Job with enthusiasm
The L.A. studio is filled with swings, slides and games. It makes the work environment very fun and we couldn't agree more.
Having fun climbing on furniture at GIPHY
Our big surprise was that we were all going to have the opportunity to film our own GIFs. They handed us an iPad with quotes and emotions of which we chose three each. We were then taken to their filming\green room to act out in front of the cameras.
Selfie with Woodward & Aundreya
Head Shake
Strike a pose at GIPHY
Nikki in the green room.
oh really.....????
Kyle is ready for his close up
GIPHY was a big play land complete with a slide and a seesaw. At the end they rewarded us with stickers.
on the GIPHY couch
Cheryl is ready for the camera.
After GIPHY we boarded UBER and head to meet American Salon editor, Amy Dodds for lunch. It was great to finally meet her in person. I had emailed with her in the past so its great when you can finally put a face to the lady behind the email. Lunch was amazing with lots of seviche.
Amy is really nice and I look forward to meeting again. Thank you for all you do for the beauty industry.
with Amy Dodds of American Salon
Finished the night at sushi at Katsuya with the crew.
Redken NBT 2017