Inspiration can come from anywhere and ideas can pop randomly in my head at any given time. It was during shift doing hair where a former boss (Charles Robinson) discussed he was going to Sam’s Club to get salon cleaning supplies. I had asked him to get me some Libman cloth mop heads and he gladly obliged and he returned later that week with a three pack.
Behind the lens with Genna and on set with models, Rilley & Kimberly
I wanted to eventually do some wigs using them but they ended up staying in a closet in my hair room for almost four years. As with a lot or projects they don’t always happen immediately. Work schedules, travel, Prep time and everyone’s schedules play factors when creating photoshoots.
it was last summer that I had embarked on several creative photoshoots with Genna Yussman Greene of Absolute Studio in Louisville, Kentucky. During one of our lengthy creative phone conversation with Genna that we discussed doing a fun “colorful” photoshoot inspired by bright colors, bold textures, fantasy, graffiti art. I had been holding onto the pack of floor mops for years that I wanted to make wigs. Remembering this I couldn’t wait to tell Genna about my idea. She loved the idea and was in the process of designing a tie-dye gown for a female model. Suddenly our ideas had materialized and we started working on our designs for this project.
I spent a few weeks prepping the wigs into mops after work and on my off days. Cutting pieces from each mop unveiling fun, avant garde hairstyles. To color the wigs I used canned hair color spray in various bright colors. I overlapped the colors and made stencils from cardboard to shield over the wigs as I layered the different colors onto each piece. This was one of the few projects where I would be doing hair but would not need hairspray.
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
For this project we decided to book two models from out of state. We had in the past worked with Cincinnati, and Atlanta models, Kimberly Baur and Jacob Rilley. We booked hotel rooms for the models and they drove in the night before. Scheduling can sometimes be a challenge and I was not able to book any of my make up artist friends. Luckily I have experience doing make up and have watch several of my peers doing make up to know what I’m doing. This would be an opportunity to exercise my skills as both a make up artist and hairstylist.
Both models were a breeze to work with with high energy and good direction taking. Both had a career that included dance as well as several runway and hair show experience. I spent a total of three hours of prepping the models. I braided both Kimberly and Rilley’s hair up so the mops would become their hair and I could easily start working on their make up. I used various color palettes and creams using different make up brushes turning both models into colorful masterpieces.
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
I even had time to polish both model’s nail using various colors then all I had left to do was place their wigs on top their heads. Genna would then dress them and we used various locations at the studio. It was a very hot August day… bless both models for wearing the wigs in wardrobe in full make up. We spent a total of eight hours from start to finish. I alternated hairstyles twice as did Genna with wardrobe and she photographed them in studio and outside. We used colorful props such as marbled balloons, paint brushes and a mask.
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
The images turned out beautiful and was one of the last projects we got to work on before the covid shutdown. We submitted the collection during quarantine and it was published in a lovely spread in Volant Magazine in June 2020. We were so grateful for the publishing as everyone worked so hard on this project.
Genna and I miss doing photoshoots and we look forward to a time when things can return to normal. Covid has changed everything and that’s okay… as I believe down time is a way to create new ideas, to be re-inspired and to work on other projects. Above all it’s also about being happy and healthy and spending time with the ones you love. Thanks for reading and see you next time.
xoxoxo Matt
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
Photography/Wardrobe: Genna Yussman Greene @gennayussman
Hair/Make Up: Matthew Tyldesley @hairbymatt
Kimberly Baur @iamkimberlybaur
Rilley Jacob @rilleyjacob
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
image by Genna Yussman Greene/Absolute Studio
The making of “Painted Love”