Gunnar Deatherage is a man of many talents; Designer, Stylists, Creative Director. I was excited when he contacted me regarding hair for his upcoming fashion spread for The Voice Tribune. I was very excited as he said curly hair and the shoot would focus on a generation of wealthy, fashionable women in a huge home.
Final Image by Clay Cook
clay giving models direction on set
I was excited again to have the opportunity to work with make up artist, Bethany Hood and Photographer, Clay Cook would be photographing the collection. Models would be book from Heyman Talent Agency.
Selfie with the models
the entrance upon entering the Conrad Caldwell House
I think one of the best parts of this photoshoot was is the home which served as the backdrop to this collection. The Conrad Caldwell Historical Mansion with its haunting energy was rich in beauty and history with a haunting vibe to the past. I was mesmerized by the house and intrigued by it size, high ceilings and original decor.
Final Image by Clay Cook
Clay and the crew with cover spread model, Annilease
Bethany and I did hair and make up to prep the models at Gunnar's studio. For hair I prepped the models with Redken's Guts 10 for subtle volume and then I sprayed Iron Shape 11 on sections of the hair and used various curling irons. I used the new Sam Villa Curling iron on all models and on the youngest model I used the Kiss 5/8 curling wand to set the hair.
Final Image by Clay Cook
Clay Cook and his team did scouted various parts of the house to be used as backdrops to tell a story for the collection. Special lighting and test shoots were done prior to photographing the models. Special care was used when working with the actual antiques in the home which we were not allowed to move.
Bethany doing make up touch up on set
on set bts image of all models (Heyman Talent Agency)
make up by Bethany Hood
Hair Matthew Tyldesley
The entire shoot last 10 hours and was published in the Fall 2017 Fashion Issue of the Voice Tribune.
Final Image by Clay Cook
The collection was a featured fashion editorial in The Voice Tribune Fall Fashion Issue 2017.
Gunnar doing final touch up on wardrobe on model, Journey
Final Image by Clay Cook
Mannequins of the Mansion @thevoicetribune
Creative Direction\Styling || Gunnar Deatherage @gunnardeatherage
Photography || Clay Cook @claycookphoto
Photo Assistants || Hunter Zieske @hunterzieske
Louis Tinsley @louistinsley
Chelsea Marrin @chelsea_marrin
Hair || Matthew Tyldesley @hairbymatt
Make Up || Bethany Hood @thehouseofhood
Models || Melissa Moore @melissamoore27
Annaliese Levy @annalieselevy
Annalise F.
Journey B.
Heyman Talent Agency @heymantalentagency
Location || The Conrad Caldwell House Museum @conradcaldwellhouse
Final Image by Clay Cook
on set must haves
Final Image by Clay Cook
bts on set
Final Image by Clay Cook
fun day on the set
Final Image by Clay Cook
Final Image by Clay Cook
Final Image by Clay Cook
BTS making of video for Mannequins of the Mansion
selfie with Gunnar
selfie with Bethany